
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Get Over It Israel!!! Sharing is Caring

   Not another Israel vs. Palestine rant, Well YES!
   I have a huge problem with this issue you can't even imagine. Not for the typical things that they argue about or the religious bull crap the get tossed around, simply for the fact that Israel is being greedy and THE BIGGEST HYPOCRITES of the world.
   Now, that may have sounded a little harsh right? However; this is what I mean... years ago there were these innocent people being tortured, slaughtered, and isolated simply for being a certain race. These people were placed in camps, forced to wear stars to indicate if they were a certain race, and massacred for no reason but hate alone. The man behind all this was of course Hitler and these poor innocents were the JEWS!!! Remember?
   Well, fast forward to now and the same shit is happening except now the Jews are tormenting the Arabs in Palestine. Ironic huh? You would think out of all people, they would have learned and if they want to use the bible as their only argument to do what they do, then I can safely say that Israel has always been a people of inconsistency since God apparently gave them plenty of opportunities to take the land and be what he wanted and they always resorted to other things other then him. Hypocrites I say!
  How can they do what Hitler did to them years ago? Where does this evil madness end? All for land? Why can't we just share it? I know the Arabs are okay with that, but that's not good enough for Israel because they want MORE, MORE, MORE. I'm sure God would disapprove of the mistreatment they are bestowing upon Palestinians because God loves all his children. Who made them the cherry on top?
  Here are some facts so you can get the picture:
Israel forces Palestinians....
1. to carry different colored ID cards to indicate their race
2. to live in a certain, restricted zone, which by the way is surrounded by big tall walls so they can't escape.
3. to pay unnecessary fees to use the same roads that the Israelis can use for free
4. to remain quite or else get killed by the many troops that supervise them day and night

5. The zone indicated for Palestinians are camps and is 1 out of 20 times smaller than the land indicated for Israel, when the population of Palestinians is 80% more than Israel's.
Mean huh?

6. The only argument Israel has is their Holy book which isn't valid anymore since it's contradictory to the other Holy books and their own book show how they disobeyed God countless of times so doesn't the contradict the reward God had made for them?

7. There's enough land to split right down the middle where both peoples can live with space, comfort, and peace.

  I call this never ending battle ridiculous, illogical, evil, stupid, and selfish. I pray for the day this torment ends.
  Why were we all ready to jump and save the Jews when they were being persecuted by Germany, but blind ourselves from the same situation with Palestine? I guess the kind of makes us the bigger hypocrite.


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